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핀플라이-막시 (Finply-Maxi)

The FinPly Maxi concrete formwork panel is available in the dimensions of 7.5 m x 2.7 m and 5.4 m x 2.0 m and on demand, it is manufactured with lengths of up to 12.40 m. These high-quality plywood panels are used for walls and slabs and they are very suitable for almost joint-free and demanding fairfaced concrete finishes as well as high numbers of utilisation. The non-absorbing concrete formwork panel consists of 15 crosswise bonded and scarfed birch veneers, which are BFU 100 bonded. The concreting side is coated with a 540 g/m² reinforced phenolic resin coating.

핀플라이-막시 더 보기

구매 상담

전화: 02-550-2229

* 가격 정보 및 자세한 사항은 담당 직원에게 문의주시기 바랍니다.

와이어메쉬 합판 (Wiremesh Plywood)

구매 상담

전화: 02-550-2229

The PERI wiremesh plywood has been designed for the utilisation in automotive engineering, for flooring and side walls, car trailers and other special applications.

On one side, the plywood panels are equipped with non-skid wiremesh finish. The reverse side comes with a smooth phenolic resin coating. Thicknesses of 9 mm - 30 mm and dimensions of 1.25 x 2.50 m as well as 1.50 x 3.0 m are available both with BFU 100 bonding as well as with wbp-bonding.

> Wiremesh Plywood 정보 더 보기

페리버찌 (PERI Birch)
